hey people..
long time since i've posted anythin..because my IT has started.. n itz goin good..
i m liking it .. like at d Grand Hyatt, u dun train in all d depts..
u will be in one department throughout.. so itz cool.. i m in the Communication Centre, which is a part of the Front Office Department..like all msgs, faxes, calls, requests handling, happens in that department... itz nice...
Rite now i m doing the afternoon shift which is from 3pm to 12 am.. My colleagues are cool.. so i m enjoying it..
Anyway.. Baki.. Life is good.. feeling big all of a sudden.. like working n all..everyday u go to work.. come back.. get up next day.. n go to work.. i mean sometimes u dun even realise ki college is still left.. so.. itz different.. but itz cool..
And.. no one else.. except abhyshake n arjun have updated their blogs.... so pls update ur blog guys..
( hehe.. i no if they were reading other blogs they would be updating theirs too..so i duno y i m writing this.. but still...hehe..)
Anyways.. i m cracking AJs in my dept too.. hehe.. itz cool.. miss u guys a lot.. all my HM friends.. itz lil incomplete widout u'll.. so jus wana say thnx to u'll .. for making First Year so nice... and our bewda friend..Ashwin.. finally took a sim card.. 9833631691 .. so u'll can keep in touch wid him too.. n hez at d bell desk.. hez not liking it.. i hope they change his dept yaar.. and anushtoop has stopped goin to d hotel.. hez not likin it either i guess.. so hez sitting all day at home doin some calculations..hehe..aniroodh.. i sometimes bump into him at work.. hez in d kitchen.. kaushtup is wid bewda.. so bewda is all d more sad..hehe.. n yea.. thats it i guess...
Feeling nice that i m updating my blog.. thinking of goin to coll tomrw.. jus to meet d other batch..n d teachers.. (if they'll be there...)..
Anyways.. Baaki everythin is cool.. VERY VERY Hungry rite now.. but itz okaaaaaa....alriteeeeeeeeeeee... hehe...
Chalo Enjoy Guyzzzzz...
Bye BYe
its good ure actually enjoying ure training but i dint think an optimist like u wud hate nethin... plzzzzz check out arjuns blog asap....just wen u thot peace was called atleast for six months here u r bak to square one!!!!
abbe update!!!!!
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