First of all..very very sorry guys.. for taking so long to update..
Anyways.. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY guys.. it feeels really really really very very very proud to be an INDIAN. seriously..
i mean common guys where else do u find a country where u find all the types of people.. black..brown..white..sweet..rude..beautiful..funny..sad..happy.. where d hell would u find people jus celebrating for small things.. people making a fuss about small things.. people forgiving and forgetting nething... where else in the world would u find 2 strangers jus getting into a converstation..jus smiling over a joke.. or jus helpin someone u dunt even know.. it feels great to be a part of this beautiful country.. where else would u find people so welcoming.. food so delicious.. love so overflowing.. smiles all over.. celebrations everywhere.. i m sure nowhere..except INDIA.. so JAI HIND everyone.. :) :) :)
Alrite..Grand Hyatt Mumbai is this cool place.. mannnny people..(excluding guests).. hehe.. my team members r cool.. except a few... my team leaders r cool.. my job is cool.. we have a fam trip (i.e goin to other depts) comin soon..n its gonna be for THREEEE WEEEKS ONLLLLLLLLYY!!! hehe.. 3 weeks to learn bout all d other depts.. i guess i m only gonna learn how to wear other uniforms..lol.. hehe.. anywaysss.. started filling my log book that day.. realised that 11 weeks r already over.. that means we r more than half way through.. common people!!
Spoke after a very long time to Arastu.. felt really nice.. spokee to Arjun bhai and Anuj ( not me ha.. kandwal)..hehe.. met bimaari after a long time.. spoke to swaraliii mam also..hehe.. felt nice.. remembering college a lot.. missing also a lott.. all d tp that we did.. n i m sure that we'll continue that after we get back to college.. went a few weeks back to college.. saw the first year crowd.. dint quite like it.. but im still very very excited to get back to college yaar..
neways all of u'll.. jus wanna thnk u'll for making my first year in colelge so beautifull n becomin a real imp. part of my life.. cherish our friendship.. really very glad that we all met.. :) and plz plz keep smilin always alrite..
EnjoY PeoplEssss.. :)
y the hell do u have to thnk us mate?????u were wid us so v rocked buddy...
man such a long break?
I almost forgot that u had a blog!!!
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